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Another comparison of Apple and Android approaches (GeekTimes):

N1ntend0: We have been raised from early childhood on the principle: here is the basement, there are potatoes, salt and salad. If you want to drink tea, you go down to the basement and choose a steak. If you want to cook dinner, you go down to the basement and get potatoes with sals. Apple offers the approach when your potatoes are already in the kitchen next to the pot in which you will cook it, and the strawberries appear only when the boiler has boiled. Yes, it’s new, and we’re afraid of the new – that’s normal. But you can get used to it and learn to take advantage of it.
An analogy: I want a snack, but I don’t want it with tea, I want to eat it right out of the bowl, with a piece of cheese. Is it little. To do this, I need to put a cupboard. What... WTF?

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