— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I sell an avito LG phone my, almost new and with a bunch of accessories, as I gave friends on DR a new reason. The buyer calls, we negotiate, we agree on a meeting that he will come to our house after 19:00.

In about an hour, a call from an unknown number. A woman’s voice rings out of tension: “Allo, do you sell skies?”

Sorry, you may be wrong, I answer.

You are shit! I know where you live: Malenkovsky street, home(××). I will be there at 19. 00 and all the zenks you scratch out, you will know how to turn with other men, the ski hall of heroes - saliva and anger straight out of the phone speaker.

I was a little rushed. But the two times mentioned "skis" led to the thought:

Of course come here. The LG phone that will come man at 19. 00 to buy, obviously does not take it, a stitch with stools and the phone itself is clearly a female model.

Silence from the phone for half a minute and, “Oh, girl, sorry. Probably true to me on my birthday... Sadly only b/u gifts, but the truth is not to fat now... Nerves and anger popped... I look at his phone “Sky”. What skies in September I think, Kobe... I apologize again.”

God, don’t give me such jealousy and mistrust to my husband.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna