— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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It was 2002. I lived in a dormitory. There were seven hungry students in my block. The scholarship was partially selected by the bodybuilders, partially drunk and spent on nonsense, and some did not have it at all. Most of the month lived for 10-20 rubles a day. The diet almost always consisted of fast-cooked dishes. We cooked the broth in the pot "for all" and all this was brotherly shared. On one such day, we all dropped 5-10 rubles, whoever could, and I went to the store.

As soon as I turned around the corner, I heard a whistle of brakes, a blow, and then the sky. He stood up, ripped off from the snow and saw the driver’s eyes shattered by fear. The driver asked if I was okay, if I could go, pulled 5 thousand in the hand and quickly washed.

I did not think for a long time to buy products for all the money. We lived on these foods for almost two months, and the dinner that evening was one of the happiest and most delicious in my life.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna