— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Bachelor's Rules

Quote should be missed:
- If it starts with the words "Interesting, I am one..."/"Interesting, I am one". No, not of interest. No, you are like millions of others.
- If it starts with the words "Mom today burned out"/"Prepod today burned out". Don’t prepare us for funny things, it’s not a Zadornov concert.
- If instead of it we are coupled with an "unbelievable" case from student/office life. There is a parchment for all of this.
- If it contains the words "kot", "odmin", "shredder", "huyace" or a variation of the emoji "o_O". Fight the readers.
If there is a mother in it. Even if she grew up a dumb ham (in the true biblical sense of the word), it is somehow a pity that he will so calmly shame her.
- If she ends with the words "I should have seen her face". If "should have seen", did you get a quote without a photo?
- If it ends with the words "The whole office". We will somehow mock what you were lying there, your dumb quote in front of us and we can appreciate it ourselves.
- If after the description of any stupidity follows the conclusion "This people is invincible". They win not with stupidity, but with intelligence.
- If after the description of any stupidity follows the conclusion "Only in Russia can". Do not give yourself exclusive to stupidity.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna