— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Abortion is not a matter of concern for the health and safety of women. It is based on psychology, the traditional concept of the sinfulness of abortion, the "destination of a woman" and so on.

An unexpected pregnant woman often experiences severe stress. Father "life" insists on abortion. The arguments are extremely convincing, pressure on the psyche very strongly. Often this is done by relatives, friends and doctors of women's counseling.
On the other hand, proliferators of varying degrees of adequacy. From gentle warnings to wicked crying, Allah will punish you, desires death and burning in Hell.
Making the right choice in this situation is not easy. The woman will be to blame for any outcome. Strong for the rest of my life.
Add to this the persistent aversion of many men to condoms and the side negative from other contraceptives – and sex for a woman becomes a much bigger headache than for a man.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna