— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The Saturday. On this day, I am always overwhelmed with foods, commercial goods and even alcohol. Well, I don’t have time to run on weekdays for another shampoo or a piece of meat. I take a lot and run. And when everything is taken, I smoothly swim with the cart to the box. Well, there’s a clear line, people understand, well fuck it.

And here comes the grandmother, the sweetest creature with a basket in her hand (even angels would envy her appearance), and asks to miss her, said she has milk and bread here, I can be in front of you, because you have so much of everything.

Well, I don’t throw it, I’m a normal person, so I calmly miss it ahead of me.

Oh, what a good man I am, though not, HUMANITY!

As we stood in the line, I learned what: a cowboy, raised, I appreciate old age, war, Stalin and the good man!

And all this to me!

I was swimming.

And here the cashier spends the grandmother's foods (bread and milk and what else there is), takes the money, gives the delivery and proceeds to me.

You all know, when the cashier throws the goods on the tape, he goes as if in the pit (I hope to explain clearly) well, the cashier throws my products into this pit, throws, throws.

Here you have to make a retreat, I was reading the list of cigarettes at this time, i.e. the head up was shaken.

The girl! The girl!

– and? What?

And the cashier points to me with his eyes on that “hole.”

Fucks of Fucks! My grandmother brought my foods to her in herachic packages!

My eyes turned back and increased! What a fucking! ? to ! to

Grandma, what are you doing? ! to ? to Why are you touching me?

and silence. Grandma is old, Grandma is deaf.

I start taking my goods out of the package, and she still resists! My cry, I bought it!

The treasurer tells her that you had your bread and milk, and this was not yours.

The old cargo poured a bottle of wine into me, spit on the girl of the cashier, and said:

Fuck, the eyes are dumb!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna