— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Dogs are joking too.
Having a puppy, they enrolled for classes in the cinema club. A year later, we were admitted to classes on IPO (international system, by the way, sports discipline), the nearest domestic analogue - ZKS (defence and guard service). There is an exercise, when the dog on the command of "FAS" must attack the "foreigner", take away from him the "gun" and bring it to the owner. In the role of a "foreigner" acts an instructor, dressed, it is believed, in a full set of protection, "sniper" - twisted in a burning blade.
At first, everything went as usual - the owner takes the dog out, points it to the goal, gives it a command, carries to the "stranger", jumps, gets stuck in the "sniper", the instructor releases it and the satisfied dog runs to the owner for a reward.
Here comes a young girl with a healthy goat. He in anticipation begins to dig the ground, scaredly cries. The team is dispersed, the dog crashes from place and runs, but not to the instructor, but to his assistant, who due to the warm weather was in shorts and jacket. The boy suddenly bleaked and began to look around in search of a possible shelter. At this time, the kobe, flying to him with a threatening twist, sharply slowed down, sat on the pop, said loudly "gow" and, apparently satisfied with the effect produced, moved already to the instructor for the "sniper".

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna