— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A few years have passed and I am a little embarrassed when I remember it. It was August, I just got my daughter to school, and looked at me on Avito Sarrapanchik alone. I called the seller, a cute girl, and in order not to spoil the memory of the phone before meeting her, I wrote her number on paper. It is 8928 77766 by Jean. We met and this paper safely settled in my jeans pocket.

In the evening we had a family trip to the circus. I try to always buy tickets for the first from the arena line and in the middle. This gives the child the opportunity to participate in the show. The clown in one of the rooms in his own manner did any actions, and then jokingly demanded payment for it. And here he runs to me, sprinkled with water, like refreshed, and the palm stretches, give money. I lapped my pockets, touched a piece of paper, and gave it under stormy applause. He joyfully runs to a colleague, they open this paper, oh, this penetrating look of clown eyes))) another clown knocked him on the shoulder so joyfully. And then it comes to me that on the paper...... the phone number and the name of Jeanne.

So I want to say.

Dear Jeanne! If one warm August evening a man called you and presented himself as a clown Clape, believe me, I am not specifically.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna