— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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There are often stories of anecdotal nature about what was stolen, say, a package of biomaterial for analysis. Something like this happened to me.

We have an eagle. He doesn’t fly, we feed him, he’s our bird. Since the donkeys are meat-eaters, I buy him frozen daily chickens. In the poultry factory, which prepares chickens, cockroaches are not needed, they are sold alive, freshly bitten or already frozen for food to predators. And for barley, such food is more useful, and cheaper than store meat.

And here is a bag with two kilograms of dead chickens from me today picked up by some guy, and squeezed away. I really hope that this fool, discovering the contents of the bag, will think that there is a terrible curse on it now.)))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna