— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The boring grandmother
One person cannot give everything. Therefore, falling in love in marriage or immediately after it is most often the opposite of the former partner. If the husband is a tyrant, then the lover is a cableman. If the wife is gentle, the mistress is a straw. It’s very simple, but I hope it’s clear. The energetic and untouched also leave. Boring and correct. Because they are tired, looking for tranquility, certainty, a well-established life, etc. Anyone can get bored and tired. Many people fall in love in marriage. Someone paints a magical picture and leaves. And someone understands that this is just a mirage that will soon evaporate. And you will see the ordinary person, but already with other shortcomings. You can choose options for a lifetime, but you will never find the ideal. But thinking with your head before the wedding and talking to your partner, discussing problems and not watering him with shit if you suddenly split up, is not such a bad option.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna