— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Most men here stood up for a man who lived for 22 years with a boring wife and finally, closer to the age of 45, met his worthy 19-year-old girl.
The problem is that he left the family. Every second family is disintegrating.
The point is that he puts his wife on the internet, while he is white and furry.
Do you feel like a man writes about himself? The feeling that he is incapable of something. He was directly forcibly married to the right woman with knobs fastened, he was directly attached to the family bed for 22 years and was not allowed anywhere, under the fear of death he could not leave and was forced to live according to the rules of his wife. And he could not leave, probably because there was nowhere and no one to go. But as soon as a woman appeared, preparing to accept him, he immediately collapsed. He told us all about his wife everything he had been silent about for 22 years.
This is the case, not the divorce itself.
This is wrong, men, not manly. Whatever your wife is, it was your choice, and your life, and your woman. There is nothing here to spit on relatives who have forced you to get married and sex life.
The man wanted to show how cool he was - at 40 with a tail he struck a 19-year-old young woman and now lives carelessly, and his wife for 22 years nodded him in the ear and now - ha-ha - he avenged her. But really such men, besides disgust, do not cause anything. It is necessary to have the dignity of quietly leaving the boring wives, and not to carry them afterwards to the whole world.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna