— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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It was in 2000. I went to school in the afternoon and didn’t touch anyone. Externally not standing out - ordinary, slightly swollen, spotting in places, with an unimaginable hair color teenage girl. And here stops on the left of me a constipation with faces of Caucasian nationality (hereinafter LKN), looks out of it one and says: "Hey girl, we went catch." I say, I am not in school, they wait for me and speed up the step. LKN follow and persuade to walk, in the car they are four, I am going already afraid. Here one of them, apparently especially hot, comes out, grabs me for a T-shirt and tries to pull in the car, here I hear a scream. Through the road, a guy, maybe a couple of years older than me, unloaded the car near his house apparently, took a pipe in his hands and cried, "Nuka's hand removed from my sister until I picked out." Well, this LKN quickly let me go, jumped into the запорожец and dropped.

I didn’t even ask the name of my hero. Thank you for reading, you are a real man! 👍😘

PS: To be more likely to recognize yourself, it was in Irkutsk, near School 3. in the summer.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna