— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Prosecutor: Please tell me, has the accused talked to you about something?
Witness: This man offered me three hundred dollars if I promised not to tell anyone that he was driving, not his wife, and that he was drunk.
Prosecutor: Are you absolutely sure that he was driving, and that he was really in a state of alcoholic intoxication, not just smell of alcohol?
Witness: Yes, I am sure he was hard to stand on his feet.
Prosecutor: There are no more questions.
Lawyer: Witness, tell me, did you get the money offered? I remind you that you were in court and promised to say only the truth.
Witness: Khm... took...
Lawyer: And you promised not to tell anyone anything?
The Witness: Yes
Lawyer: Then please tell me, how can we believe everything you say here, if you have just actually admitted that your promises don’t matter?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna