— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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xxx: In Mariupol of the Donetsk region, security forces exposed a public house, which, disguised as a nightclub, was located in the premises of the House of Culture, informs the press service of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Donetsk region on Wednesday, October 5.
It was established that the resident of Mariupol, together with two of her daughters, organized an elite bordell in which services of a sexual nature were provided to foreigners. Young women were engaged in prostitution.
During the search, money and contraceptives were found in the border. The investigation continues.
xxx: and now the attention of the photo of the “elite bordell”...

Image of a sad Soviet DC with the inscription "Palace of Culture of Seafarers" with the reversed letter "O".

YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY A two-bedroom apartment in a promozone.
That’s for the elite!! to
YYY: Truly, I don’t know who is visiting in Mariupol.
Yyy: who in the Mariupol elite
xxx: the same is written - "the bordell in which services of a sexual nature were provided to foreigners"
Tarantino came to Mariupol and thought, “How can I have fun? Wouldn’t you accept a couple of sexual services in an elite bordell?”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna