— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Last Thursday I was supposed to meet a girl in the subway. I have never seen the girl before and had no idea how she looks. We agreed to meet at the airport station at the hour of day, I come there, call her on my mobile phone and continue to focus on the terrain. I come to the place, call the girl and explain that I am standing below, near the entrance to the hall, wearing black jeans, a yellow jacket, waiting. Well, he says, I have a blue and red jacket, I am going down now. Two minutes later, a girl in a sweater and without a jacket approaches me: “Hello, I’m Julia. Are you waiting for me?

Probably you. Where is the blue and red jacket?

at home. It was I in principle said that I have a blue jacket with red strips.

I think she would have met a girl – she might not have met.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna