— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Why cut off?by :

For the trip we got a dark cherry “Niva”. The Associated Press news agency shared with us a large sticker with its "AP" logo, which we immediately placed on the doors and cap of the car. Another decoration became the huge letters "TV", own-handedly carved out of isolants. We were proud of this work at first, but then it turned out that the Latin acronym of the news agency is read in Russian as “A” and “R”, so in response to the question “Where are you from?” we usually that we were working for “Armenian Radio”. Strangely enough, this explanation pleased almost everyone.

Almost all of them. In 1995, both the Russians and Chechens quite admitted that a station under this name could work in Yerevan, which sent an Englishman and a Tatar with a large professional television camera to illuminate this war.
By the way, about the mouth of the wide isolant, from which we cut the letters, we need to say separately. At the time, it was the main tool, so that in the suitcases of any telegroup and in the trunk of every car used by journalists, you could always find a pair of pieces of this isolant.
With her help, broken equipment was made, used instead of bandages and bandages.
And another phrase accompanied us from the very first day in Chechnya. "You only tell the truth!" — the Russians and Chechens shouted to us, it was only necessary to slow down and open the door of the car.
by Chris Booth.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna