— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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XXX: Registration of believers must be introduced. That an unregistered believer could not file in court that his feelings were offended. Each registered believer must also be obliged to comply with the requirements of his religion and bear criminal responsibility for failure to comply and be deprived of the status of a believer. I think in this arrangement the number of insulted believers will be less than 0.

YYY: In addition, the concept of “non-believer” should be introduced. punishment for insulting their feelings. I may be wildly threatened by the phrase “God will punish.” In fact, it is already a threat. It turns out, if I am going to threaten that my brother (who, by the way, is not there) will come and "punish" someone - it is a threat. And if God (who, according to assurances, is) claims to punish me, then everything is fine.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna