— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Oh, okay you, the man who writes "panayahali here to Maaskvou, go back to your muhosransk" has nothing to do with the Moscovites. Here, in the area of Mitino all such weaponry "maskovich". These are people who came yesterday from the same Mukhosransk, who bought a mortgage for 25 years, and now they swallow a page of a passport with a passport, drive for 2.5 hours in one direction for a hateful job, because they can not change - you need to quench the mortgage monthly, and they are all terribly annoyed. And in addition, they are terribly proud that they are not marketers, teachers or doctors - although, having obtained a Moscow license, they regularly apply for services to these "slugs". Probably they are accountants and lawyers)))) and generally deeply unhappy, angry and jealous people, which can be seen in every post.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna