— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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My husband and I recently had the third anniversary of our wedding, and since our daughter is a year old, we decided to celebrate this case in the family cafe, where the child will have something to do, and we will rest. We ordered a little. They brought us the dishes, put them on the table, and not five minutes later, the boy ran up and grabbed the fried potato from the plate. We were a little stunned. He continued to eat, and here he was again. The man cleansed his plate closer to him. A child in tears. I try to kindly explain to the child that it is a strange thing, and it is not necessary to touch a strange thing. And here comes his mother. She looked at us with contempt, grabbed the child’s hand and said, “You’re sorry? He’s a child, he doesn’t understand.” A child of three years. I replied, “Maybe it’s not a pity, but our daughter is a year old and she doesn’t get into other people’s plates. And if she tries, I won’t let her do it.” “You are a bad mother! You will grow up and think differently.” She turned and left as a child.

She didn’t ruin our day because it was more funny than offensive. Especially when she looked at us from her table.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna