— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I recently found out where the sensations came from.

I have a chief - a heavy and family member of a well-known official in our region, a few years ago with a pathos sentenced for corruption crimes (in principle, there is nothing surprising here, and the name and surname - gently speaking, not artificial). Recently, as a result of personnel changes in the office, the comrade received a new position. Some gifted journalists excavated this information and made a sensation, writing a pathetic article about the cursed corrupt. Of course, to check the information - no need, they have the fried fact is cold, not before that...

In short, all the articles came out, one day after three, when they were already able to discuss even those who do not use the Internet and read the paper version of the newspaper, I began to call acquaintances - I heard, to say that you in the office is happening, how corruption thrives! And you think someone believed me that this is a completely different NN, I have worked with him for five years, and the one who was jailed, I never saw in the eyes? It’s just a circular message and everyone covers crimes, and in fact, it’s...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna