— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The Chinese did not allow Obama’s pool to take off.
How the Americans in such cases bump rights I know not to hear.
But we tried to fight this in the distant 95s. We even succeeded.
To celebrate the 50th anniversary of Victory came everyone, including Clinton.
The battle for the number of journalists from each pool at each point was not for life but for death.
not received.
Early on the morning of May 9, the intelligence: the Americans foolishly unpacked the badges, multiplied them on a color printer and again slammed, thus increasing the number of their journalists by almost three.
There was no time to understand the word at all.
The decision was made simple and purely Russian.
The employees of the FSO on the points were distributed scissors and given the team to count.
The declared amount to skip, the rest of the beidziki without talking cut.
What is characteristic - nobody even tried to scandalize.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna