— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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From the discussion of the article on GT "Spider Legend of Zelda through memory manipulation of the game".

This is the dualism of necrophilia. Fuck the bodies. Nothing and even pleasant. And when others are incomprehensible, and you constantly ask yourself "nahuya they do it";.

YYY: This is a little bit different. Imagine that a normal high-level enterprise proger is a type of classical wizard. Drawing high-precision pentacles on the floor, calling the demons on strictly defined days on a learned list of names, studying the walls with thickness from the fortress wall

YYY: Let’s say you’re such a magician. You want ice cream. Then you approach the street ice cream shop and notice that in the place of the ordinary seller there is some sort of shrinkage in a black bowl. Without giving this special importance, you ask for an Eskimo.

YYY: The swallow begins to crazyly whisper. Then the balloon strikes and sits on the ground in front of you. Then he spit into his shit, and there the portal to Hell opens, where the horned demons swallow each other in the ass under Ramstein. The spark jumps into the portal, takes one of the demons by the horns and puzzles about the nearest boiler until he falls out of his ass. Then he comes back and gives you this Eskimo and fifteen rubles.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna