— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Oki Coast near Kashira. In that war, the German never came here, for the eye he was not allowed. Abandoned field of the former collage or sovhose. Ivan tea grows with blue flowers. Stop, what is the naphid? The pattern grows somehow...I go and look. Then it sinked. The line of barricades with cells for shooting, the moves of the message, and this square - clearly under the gun or aircraft position.

After the war, the barracks were filled with garbage and smelled. I have been growing something in the field for 60 years. Then they abandoned. But from behind the disrupted soil structure, Ivan tea grows only where there were rocks. Is there more water there, is the soil richer?

People are forgetting. The earth remembers.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna