— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I work in those. Support of the educational institution. At the end of the working day, a new methodist of the training department calls, asks to get up to her in the office. I get up and see a 35-year-old woman with whom the following dialogue is engaged:
HH: What can I help?
YYY: You know, I want to copy all the information to the flash, but I can’t.
In one hand holds a 4-gig flash drive, the other shows on two network disks, size of 3TB each.* is
xxx: These are network disks, you don’t have enough flash drive to copy everything, and you don’t need it.
WOW: I really need it. What if I archive?
To be honest, after that question, I was lost.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna