— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Two years ago, my wife and I went on vacation to Vienna. One morning, there were no free tables at the hotel during breakfast, only two of the four seats were empty. I asked in English for permission to sit with two elderly women, and after receiving it, they began to eat breakfast.

After a while, one of them asked me in English: “Sorry, but where are you from?”

I, in the same language, answer: From Moscow, Russia

The first neighbor translates my words into German to his friend.

He looks at me and his wife and suddenly pronounces (in Russian! ! to ! to ! to “Moscow, the Kremlin, the ice cream! ! to ! to ! to “!” (Last loud for the whole room)

As it turned out, both women were from East Germany and the second at the time was travelling to the USSR to her friend at a visit. Most of all she liked ice cream, and so much that she even remembered how this word is pronounced in Russian.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna