— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 44 - ]
Are you so strange today?
yyy: I went to the interview, the pattern in the chlam... I’m ashamed to tell (
Xxx :?? to
Yyy: I come, therefore... I am alone in my position (lawyer). I was interviewed by only two people: a lawyer ichi and a timlid (the passport of local programmers). Well, we talked, talked a lot about licensing, delivery and contracts. With a cup of coffee, everything works. And at some point I’m asked: "And what languages do you know?"Well, I’m all so relaxed and on the positive take and crack: "On Python'e I write, C# I know a little, JS so, for the box, well and Java I suffer in my free time". Well, we stumbled, and their timlids are here! Give me the tasks. It was strange, but I was caught.
I guess I’m going to ask stupidly: Who?
yyy: Python Developer's
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx And the SP?
yyy: 40k higher than I could get from them as a lawyer %-)
I am so happy 😉 😉 😉

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna