— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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It is simple. “The housewife is not a ‘unemployed’ person, it’s a ‘working for her husband’ for food and other basic necessities without retirement deductions and any insurance, including maternity leave.” Doing a small portion of the same work (single pensioners from the budget institution were cared for: similarly clean up, cook, brush out products from where they are cheaper) you can in the social center quite a lifetime salary, not chic, of course, but allowing you to live HORAZDO better than a housewife, the husband of which type as earns a lot, but she is forced to ask for the needs of children in the best case. Funny, but the divorced dad helped much more willing not only, actually, the child, but even the jacket of the former wife bought, when her winter clothes decorative rats eaten, and the family budget was not ready for force majeure, although he was absolutely not obliged, but the father who lives in the family believed enough of his merit that he lives in the family.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna