— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ]
I worked for thirty years in the six-tier factory.
But there are no orders - and our factory is destroyed.
There is no job and no money, either.
And 20 basic payments – what is that nonsense?”

I am a housewife, mother of two schoolchildren.
My job is to build home.
In the summer, instead of fitness, I go to beds.
And now it turns out that I am a tinnitus!”

“Ivan, IP, since January – the rage is straight,
I pay FZN, and the income is zero.
But this fee does not go into the tax deduction,
So they say, “Pay more!”

“I am your neighbor at your entrance.
In the store, forever blue - I am hungry,
I don’t worry about drops like other people.
I am sure no one will touch me.”
(c) the
Then the Belarusians still thought that in Russia this topic would not emerge a little later)))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna