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All this mess with the evil clowns-killers must end! Cruel night dresses sooner or later will lead to the fact that every guy in the clown suit will meet someone who will not be afraid of him and escape, but will defend themselves. And it doesn’t matter what: a knife, a stick, a pistol, in this situation it will be perceived as self-defense.

In the police records of the Berlin police appeared information that in the dark hours of the day, a 16-year-old boy in a clown costume with a cuvalda wanted to scare his acquaintances teenagers. One of them, a 14-year-old boy, took a folding knife out of his pocket and put the clown in his chest. Then he pulled off the falling and bleeding mask and found underneath it the face of his acquaintance. After that, the children themselves called 911 and provided first aid to the injured before the arrival of the ambulance.

Next is the most interesting!

The clown was taken to the hospital and there was arrested - a guard was placed at the chamber. The 16-year-old is accused of attacking teenagers. The action of the small man with a knife was recognized as self-defense. Once the clown recovers, he will be tried.

Great dress, good luck to you!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna