— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Are all the villagers stupid? Or you principally can’t communicate with people, because in your fucking taiga there’s no one to communicate with, just shake and drink vodka? You, the defective Thai drug addict, what did the "hilly citizen" ask about? Did he ask you about the village? Did he ask you, old idiot, how many months you work and how much you rest? Fuck the two! You, Churban, were asked about the specialty! Do you know this word? Or do you do what the boss tells you to do? Why have you written so many words on your hands with dirty nails and not answered the question?

I, a chilly citizen, officially declare that I have nothing to do with this post, I do not support or approve it, and I consider the author of this post to be a ham and biddle.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna