— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Sister today calls, speaks, the director has burned up. This year, our new mayor has been distinguished. Instead of the usual crackdown of the budget, he began to clean everything, paint, roads and sidewalks appeared in the city. And while they were shrouded both from above and from below, he exclaimed an extraordinary tranche on all kinds of hospitals-schools-bridges. The amount received by the director of the Lyceum was pronounced by all, up to two, local channels. He knows why she is so happy, she has recently been in office, and has not had time to distinguish herself, and there were several months before the events with the falling wall. So is Hz. So this labyrinth, instead of a major repair, although for such housing there could be a new to build, with a swimming pool and a stadium, made a cosmetic. But is cool. With mega finties. Among them were megawatts. From which the fire burned! Everything will be destroyed, changed and rebuilt. The brightness. It is crazy, crazy!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna