— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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When I was 15 years old, my relatives turned down and gave me a good sum of money. I was very pleased and started planning future purchases.

That evening my uncle came to me. He sat down at our guests after some unsuccessful machinations. My uncle began to tell me how important the family is and how important it is to help each other. He told me how difficult his time was. He asked me to borrow the money I had given him. I was young and honest. I owe it to him.

The next morning my uncle disappeared. He went to the other end of the country to start a new business. He did not answer our calls and never repayed the debt.

years have passed. He recently called me. He said he was ashamed of that episode. He regrets betraying my trust. How he would like to redeem his guilt.

It was great, I interrupted it. But if you want to borrow money from me again, my answer is no.

A bad little asshole. My uncle said angrily and hanged the phone.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna