— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I drove from Petrozavodsk to Petrozavodsk a month ago, night, rain. Somewhere in the area of Lonets on the side is a car, and the driver is actively mastering with his hand. I drive 200 meters further, and still think I need to stop, suddenly trouble in a person.

I give it back, lock the door and drop the glass. A man approaches and with some unclear accent says:

“Good evening, I have finished gasoline.

Well, I think, another Roma divorce, now will offer a gold ring of bronze or chain in exchange for a couple of liters of gasoline and a couple of thousands of rubles. I say:

Do not get out of my car.

And then in the mirror I notice that four people come out of his car and everyone approaches me and greet me with a Caucasian accent. To say that in the middle of the forest, at night, I became somehow uncomfortable surrounded by 5 southerners, too soft. One of them says:

- Take one of us to the gas station, here the navigator shows, there is a 10 km gas station.

I answered:

How will he get back to the car at night?

And I think - ah, now he will sit down, then knock on his head, and they will later come to share the prey.

Let's, I say, on the rope, if I am clinging to the rope, and I don't get out of the car myself. In the hope that they don’t have it.

The rope was found. We picked up, we went. I throw them, and I think, can I knock stronger and drop?

Not an option - on the rear glass of my car advertisement, and in the advertisement the wife's phone - will then call and threaten.

In general, I went further, turned in the direction of Lonets on the old narrow road in the middle of the forest, then went on the road along the river and the villages. I look in the mirror - behind our driveway in the distance appeared a car, and for some reason my "trailer" began to actively brake, the car overcame us, and it became easier for me to drag them again, then the headlights appeared again from the back, and the situation with the braking of the rear car repeated.

Anyone who has been to villages and villages knows that there are either no lights at all, or one at the club. So, when the second car also overcame us, the trailer began to flash my light and brake.

I get up, drop the glass, comes a completely frightened and pale driver, asks:

Dear man, where are we going? The navigator stopped showing.

I show him my navigator - refuelling here, 4 kilometers left.

We went, got to the gas station, and here they jump out of the car, and joyfully jumping like children on the break start to thank me and sweep money in my hands!

I say:

I will not take! Not accepted on the road!

in response:

- Show respect, please take the gasoline, God has sent you to us!

They said goodbye, I went and thought – who was worse – them or me?

What time do we live in that we are so afraid of each other?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna