— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Yes, I’m a sloppy, but I just watched that video with a hole in my iPhone. What to say...

If he had at least opened it, showed that there was a connector installed on the plate (just glued to the killed plate on the eve of the video), but for marketing reasons it was not used, emphasized how to find the right hole, to what depth to be drilled so as not to scatter the connector itself (naturally, calling the value a little more safe), would have assembled back, swirled, showed that the sound is coming from the headphones (naturally, in the frame the dead with the glued connector and the swirled body replaced with a living, the headset shutter cut and glued with a torch, as if inserted, and the actual playing headphones synchronized to the camera from the back)... then it would be possible to say that the real reality. The apples are real idiots.

Where was the company that made the offgenic Macy Plus with three-inch discs for Real Botans? Probably really shit.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna