— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Seven years ago, in the winter, I went to pick up my brother from school. He was seven to eight years old then and I was twenty. And while we go, I find in my pocket two small Ikeev pens, which were distributed there for free and all of them were reluctantly picked up. In my head was a sinister plan. Until my brother sees, I placed an unnoticed pencil in his pocket. After a while I suggested to show him the magic. I take a pencil out of my pocket, stretch it, say to hold, check. Then I take it back and say, “The pencil is magical and he liked you. He will always come back to you.“Then he leaned and drove him into the hole of the sewer, observing his brother’s remarkable reaction. After a little more, I say, “Check your pockets, maybe he’s already back.” Bran begins to ball in his pockets without enthusiasm, not believing me. And how surprised he was when he found the second pencil in his swimsuit.

Five years have passed, a 13-year-old brother comes to me, puts the same pencil in front of me and speaks. Honestly, there were two of them, right?” I didn’t understand what he was talking about at first, but after a minute I remembered that “focus.” I had to admit that yes, there were two. And he said to me, “You understand that I’ve kept this pencil for 5 years and often thought, how did you do it?”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna