— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Self-confident ignorant: "I am a heroic translator, the language I do not know from the word at all, that to translate 1 sheet of text I need Hours". It is time, Carl. To read, it is necessary to understand the meaning of what is read and re-print in Russian literary language. On one A4 sheet.

Indeed, there is nothing worse than warrior ignorance. Another "genius" equates the work of a translator to the work of a professional machinery and is confident that it is not a problem for him to wrap ten pages per hour. The fact that translation is not reduced to artistic novels for female reading does not come to his mind. About the fact that the translation of artistic text and the competent presentation of specialized texts are different types of information processing, he is not concerned. The fact that when translating movies for sound to time-coding takes as much time as the translation itself is unknown to him. If the translation is not pirate, but is done by a serious studio to show in a wide range, then the translation under the oral speech is also done with a lay-out (so that the lips of the actors pronouncing the replicas move in accordance with the articulation of the phrase), this takes even more time.
And so there is reasoning in the style of "and what crane makers do, sunrise and lever you pull all day, anyone can do so".
I borrowed a cheek.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna