— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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There are protests in the United States against Trump. California bats are urgently looking for something else to get stuck with their tails. And it all reminded me of a lessonable story about the recent mayor of Toronto. Like Trump, he came from business. Like Trump, he talked about things he shouldn’t. About the immigrants. of corruption. Untouchability of politicians. And maybe his fate will be a calc for Trump. It was Rob Ford.

Before being elected mayor, Rob represented his district for ten years. Periodically wrote about him. Constantly with smiles. Such a populist. Then he will create a school football team at his expense. Instead of 60 thousand a year, he will spend only two for the maintenance of the office. Once a year, there is a free barbecue for everyone in his yard.
In 2010 he was elected mayor. With a huge overwhelming. To the astonishment and horror of progressive intelligence. Then seemed reassured. Until Ford fulfilled what he promised. The key was the word “metro”.
The fact is that the existing metro (subway) is old and few lines, shallow placement, periodically coming to the surface. Since its construction, the city has grown greatly, and morning and evening traffic jams have become commonplace even on highways. So, Rob Ford dared to argue that just building roads underground is the only way to radically solve the problems with congestion. He was opposed by the united lobby of LRT supporters. This is an abbreviation for a high-speed tram. It is an enclosed railway paved in the center of existing streets. In other words, in order to fight traffic jams, the street should still be stopped to penetrate the tram there, and at the same time dramatically reduce the number of turns (because the tram fence prevents). At the time of construction, the street is compressed even more, and this is a year or two hell for drivers. In addition, LRT is built in sections. That is, suddenly there are 6-8 stops, and that is all. That is, the idea that people usually drive to work beyond this length is excluded.

But this, gently speaking, illogical solution has only one undeniable advantage. The rejection. It is clear that such lines will not last long. Meanwhile – what? Bablo can be collected instantly, immeasurably and impunely.
And here the struggle began. Ford stood on his own and did not want to eat the cake. Small located along the roads supported the mayor, but no one listened to them. And then it started! The liberal press is pleased. “The mayor of Toronto hates peddlers.” Yes, he demonstrately did not attend the largest gay parade in North America. “Rob Ford is a drug addict!” Yes, he smoked crack (note, in non-working hours). “Ford hates women!” Yes, Rob was opposed to gender and racial quotas for admission to public organizations.
The attacks followed the attacks. The broadcasters were roaring, well-dressed people were chicking on the television, and the newspapers of those years just physically smelled shit... The police joined with their stupid “investigations.” Rob Ford is gone. Soon it was revealed that he had cancer (to stifle the pain, he, by the way, and swallowed, and smoked cocaine), and he died.

The name of the current mayor, I am sure, does not know more than a third of the Toronto people. Quiet, educated, satisfying all people.
The first lines of LRT were built. It is filled at 10-15 percent. It is estimated to be repaid in 96 years.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna