— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Because you have to say "give me a towel, please". I don’t have a wife, but a mother, but I say the same thing. Instead of direct appeal to "Help, please find something", begins with "I can't find something", "you haven't seen something" - of course, I answer "no, haven't seen it" and continue my business. Approximately the same story with circumventing hints "should the balcony disassemble", "do you not have plans for the balcony to roast?" - yes it's, say humanly "do it", I'll unlock the time, you can even without "please". A "not in plans li"-not in plans, this balcony doesn’t bother me with anything. I begin to suspect that the men from the anecdote about the thrown-out tree just likewise do not understand the wives, and not at all from the value.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna