— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I live in the city of Zaporozhye, we have a bandit district with the glorious name Pavlo-Kichkas, further from the words of a friend. By the way, he works in a wholesale food warehouse, that is, he spends every day in the car, transports the goods through shops, kiosks, etc.
We drove on orders, went to Kichkas, while the partner unloaded the goods - I was sitting smoking in the car, where I watched the whole picture. The kiosk to which we brought the goods was directly at the tram stop. Nearby, in the 50s, there was a semi-dival institution with the proud name "Stopka", in the common people called the gentle. Here I sit, I smoke, and I see a menta bean coming in to this "restaurant", from there the mint comes out, the driver remains in the car. The sergeant fixed the cardboard and went down to the same stop. A minute after 5 comes out, but no longer alone, but he leads some grandfather, well understood. The grandfather does not resist, goes calmly, gradually. Here they approach the car, mint opens the "booth" and tries to get the grandfather there. The grandfather said to him, “Our grandson, you see, I’m already old... come in first, give me a hand.” Mint jumps up, does not have time to turn, as the grandfather quite sharply clamps the door (for those who do not know, it does not open from the inside), knocks a fist on the board and with a loud voice says, "STOP!!!" The driver without a back-thinking begins to drive, the grandfather sits quickly in the tram that has arrived and drops. Within 15 meters, the bottle brakes, the driver falls out of it, in terrible seizures barely adds to the back door, opens... I thought, now the grandfather will be a huge crash... I was wrong, the second mint was broken no less. And grandfather, if I meet, I will personally feed, drink, and give more money.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna