— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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You say it as if it was something bad.
If you strike the logic, you strike it. Logic is cool! Well, maybe the turtle frog will start, and only...

This is when I think about how to strengthen the rectangle on the curve of the pipe so that the emphasis of the reinforcement does not sink on the rectangle rectangle, that I (the girl) shake logic. If my mother tries to understand by the signals which condenser has burned in the SAU and why the device issues this or that error and how to correct it, we swallow logic. And if I try to understand from your point of view that you want chocolate and tea, that is, I pump out the extra-sensory forces and open the chakras, that is, I don’t pump out anything or open up the fact. So go straight with your bullet.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna