— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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News: “The most beautiful pop of Brazil, Suzie Cortés, was photographed naked with the 2018 World Cup talisman drawn on her chest – the wolfwolf Zabivaka.”

The comments:
vovkaibnalesha: Is it true that on her ass you can depict the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest on a scale of 1: 1?

Disik: Unpatriotic, let the Bordeaux panorama paint

Deutscher_stolz: No, better than the feat of 28 Panfilov Heroes. Only so that all of the 50, or as many as they were there according to the Soviet version, the Foshist tanks could fit.

vovkaibnalesha: Liberation of 33 miners from the San Jose mine.

deutscher_stolz: I would still suggest that Fyodor Konyukhov dive to the bottom of the Marian Falls, but it would be even more pornographic than rescuing the miners.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna