— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In some, when children are born, part of the brain goes out along with the placenta, I think.
In the bus she became an unwilling listener to the conversation of two friends. One other says: “My child has a serious developmental delay! She’s 1.6 years old and she doesn’t understand. A child in his childhood, not a word of understanding! I led her to neurologists, psychologists, logopedists - everyone suggests me to wait, say, small yet, now in general children begin to talk late, there is no developmental backwardness, and about speech everything is normal. How is it normal if you don’t say a word? What doctors are like in our time, they don't want to treat children at all, asked to prescribe any medicines, they say there are no indications. But I found the name of different drugs on the Internet, I bought it, I will give it. And the girls all s (the name of the famous ovulation forum) approved."
I am a child neurologist and I have children. And the older one had a delay in the development of speech, until the age of 3 he was generally silent, then already on the background of medications spoke, went to the logopedic garden, now he is studying in the regular school.
And if you knew how many such moms come to me then, whose children are seriously suffering, because they themselves, along with the girls from the forum, diagnose them and treat them in every way, often with prescription drugs (friends from the forum share recipes)...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna