— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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When I was a conductor, we sometimes had concerts on Sundays. Naturally, the orchestra hated such days, as the weekend was covered with a copper basin. And one Saturday evening, the police call me and say, “What about tomorrow’s concert?” “Em, and he didn’t go as planned,” I replied. “I don’t know, tomorrow at 10:00 start!” And all the trouble is that all the events in the army were photographed and sent to the higher command, such as a photo report. I have no program, nothing. and Saturday evening. In short, I called my guys, I say: tomorrow at 9.40 you are dressed, in shape, in the club. The Sunday. A full club of soldiers. The leader goes out and is silent. I photograph him. The leader leaves. Soldiers are confused. A trunk with a tube comes out. He stands in a position and is silent. I am photographing. The soldiers laugh. The trunk is leaving. Further, in different combinations, musicians with instruments come out, everyone is silent, I photograph them. There is wild roast in the room! After all, I say, “Thank you all, the concert is over. Now all get up!” Everyone stands up, the officer still. “Show a stormy applause, I’ll shoot it, and I’ll turn the Terminator on to you!” Applause, I photograph, I release musicians on the weekend, I take pictures. It took 5 minutes and everyone was happy. Especially the deputy was pleased what a good concert came out on the photographs. He never knew the truth.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna