— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The case was on the first course, about a month after the arrival in communal. I was the only one on the stream after college and was of the same age with high school students, so my classmates often resorted to my help in resolving conflicts with “seniors.” I remember there were four people in the room.

The Dinner. When I came back from training, I found a girl in my bed. At first I was delighted, but then I thought it was probably caught by some of the guys. After the examination, it turned out to be a Lenocha from my group. She lived in our shelter, but in the neighboring wing. When it was time to go to bed, I woke her up and said it was my turn to sleep. She replied "OK" and lay down on the neighbor's bed (he wasn't there that day). In the morning, as nothing happened, Lennochka gathered and went with us for a couple.

So passed a month. We cleaned up, cooked up. In intimate proximity with none of the guys in our room was not noticed. Slept either on a free bed when someone did not sleep, or at the table at the compass.

In the end, I couldn’t stand it and asked at the room council, “Girls, so who is meeting Lennochka? Can you already ask the administration to allocate you two-bedroom apartments and move there? »

“We thought she lived with you, but she slept on your bed the first day.”

So, a month later, we realized that Lenochka does not meet with any of us and lives stupidly in our room.

After examining the flights with Lenocka, it turned out that she just quarreled with the girls around the room and began to survive. She decided to ask me for help but was embarrassed and decided to stay with us.

The story ended well for everyone. After talking to the stone, Lenoko was determined to another room and her neighbors calmed down. We haven’t cooked or cleaned for a month. Well, Lenocha got an important life lesson :D

P.S As I said in the previous post, "Smart guys learn in physmatism, but sometimes they don't get stupid."

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna