— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I have a lot of friends, because I am a girl and I live in a dormitory. There are many different observations on this matter. Here, for example, there is a girl we will call Olya. Olya drinks and smokes, has tattoos on different parts of the body, does not always attend school. But Olya is kind and responsive, loves her boyfriend, and in general it is nice to deal with her, although looking at her for the first time many do not believe. There is also a girl we will call Anya. Anya properly attends classes, has a cute face, which she skillfully uses. She is a consistent look, smart and sunny, only here skillfully uses the situation and men change, like gloves, sharply collecting gifts from them. Everyone has their own truth, but they don’t know who to believe.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna