— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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My younger brother told me.

In the 11th grade, a guy from another school moved to them. I don't know why he didn't learn the old, not the essence... His father had several shops and a good restaurant, in general, they lived not poorly, although the guy himself was without any special hassles and quite adequate to himself, didn't know and kept straight. They had a tradition in the classroom - before the NH to gather and arrange a tea drink (at school), which then flowed into drinking alcohol from someone in the country/hate... (well, by the way, everyone drank in moderation and purely for the mood, nobody ate or bled, the girls did not suck the boys in the toilet and did not post the video on YouTube). And the new man offered to go to the restaurant to his bat, everyone naturally agreed. He called the bat, booked a whistle. They came, his father met them, the man turned out to be the most adequate, with a sense of humor, told the staff to cover the table with the first or second compot, pulled 2 bottles of some expensive wine at 25 strawberries per bottle, feasted the boys, showed how to consume it, told a little about wine in general (his hobby was a small blame), money did not take a penny from them, although classmates tried to push something to him... In short, the kids were delighted with him and everyone said that the mouth of your father was clear, etc.

Meanwhile, the parents of classmates learned about this trip to a restaurant, sparked the parents of students from parallel classes and in the eve of graduation at the nearest parallel parental meeting was heard the idea that it would be good to go out at the same graduation restaurant. Father of the new one, who was present at this meeting, said that he did not mind at all, let a couple of representatives from the parents or even if they all come, the menu will be discussed, the show program, I will make you a discount and you can pull yours and walk at least until the morning...

Parents say this:

In terms of discount? We thought you would do everything for free that you regret?

The man makes O_o and says:

Have you done anything, dear ones? Why am I going to get over 100 people?

And all as they started to scream, said to fuck to dig, businessmen are crazy, like, they want to cook everything, even on the children, ko ko ko!

The man stood up and said, “If you want free, look for another restaurant.” And went away.

Morality – and there is no morality here, I myself wept when I heard it.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna