— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I live with my mother, but it happened that she was forced to go to a friend in another city for a couple of weeks.

After a couple of days, the foods in the refrigerator ended and I had to go to the TC.

It is time to go shopping at the nearest TC. Especially I don’t buy much, all the little things for a “breakfast”, because it is sometimes lazy to cook fully.

I buy lemonade, chips, all kinds of ingredients for pizza, and all slight things.

Everything from the "Fast Eat" section is stored on the box in one package, and the rest, respectively, in another.

I packed everything and started paying for the purchases. I gave the card, I gave the money. I wait for surrender. I paid, I am going to take packages and I see that there is no package. I looked around, I saw nothing, I went to the guard to describe the situation.

I looked at the cameras and saw that a guy (Year 12-14) just took my bag at the box office and went on with my mom on the TC. (I think I just got an extra package.)

After a couple of minutes of walking through the TC found them and I say, - You child my package with products took, please return. Mother looks at me astonished and says, What did I get? We have everything our own.

I begin to talk about the fact that the box accidentally stuck, the cameras looked, and also started to list everything that was in that package.

Mother checked the package and stated on the floor of the TC, "This is our package that you attached here.

I show the check and please show the package.

The mother refuses to return the package and insists that it is all her.

The child already understands that this is not their package and is going to give it to me, but his mother stops and asks him not to interfere.

Then comes the same security guard, who apparently lost in the process of finding the mother with the child, and tells about the situation, cameras with the child, etc.

The mother apologizes, asks the child to give the bag and "blaspheme" him for such malice.

When the conflict was exhausted, I again crossed up with her at the exit from the TC, and she said that I am a worthless person, and it would be better not to get along with her and her child at all.

I got home and there was no chocolate in the bag. But these are small things.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna