— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Worked for a while in the state office - in a way a very convenient place for a student overtime: the salary is socialist, but the training leave is given without problems. In general, we were three in the department – me, the boss and Katya. And one day it happened that the boss talked to me in the tone of "we are smart people with you", but Katya he did not especially appreciate, so he did not entrust her with responsible tasks.

After six months, it turned out that I actually do half the functions of a manager and somehow quite a lot of the work of an ordinary employee, and Katya only fills in numerous tablets and orders crafts, because she is stupid and will not cope with anything difficult.

In general, in order to understand that the stupid here is not Katya, it took me a lot of time, and to the stories about "I worked a lot, pulled everything on myself and became the general manager" since then I have been skeptical, at least because Katya became the deputy general director of that state office five years later.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna