— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I didn’t expect to miss our military films so much. It seems that since the time of the “Brest Fortress” (which, as if in general Belarusian) nothing good looked, and then understood that it does not seem, and so it is.

I will start with feelings. It was very unusual. I don’t know what the domestic cinema has done to me, but I’m not accustomed to good war films. It seemed that it was about to start a joke about the breasts, about the good Germans, and about the chicks of the Soviet commanders. But the minutes of the movie passed, and it didn’t appear. And only by the second half I was able to forget all the shit that was filmed by our Bandarchukomi and Mikhaloskaromi, and finally, to immerse myself in the storytelling with a clean head.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna