— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I am a girl. The most common, never even male-like, but tall (181 cm) and with the corresponding growth size of the leg. If I go to the store for sports shoes, most often I immediately wrap into the men's department, so as not to waste time.
The seller-consultant, a young man of 20 years with a small, in response to the request to bring the same size bigger suddenly exploded by a loud tirade from the series: "Well, it is necessary, the girl - and suddenly the leg is bigger than I have!" And all the people in the store suddenly dropped their stuff and gave up on me. I am not a shy ten, but it became somewhat uncomfortable. And suddenly, somewhere in the neighborhood, there was a loud voice:
What if the girl is even more?! to
Everyone forgot about me and went to the consultant. I did not see the owner of the voice, but thank him, saved from complexes!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna